The best advice for parents bringing in small children to the studio.
Often we think we have to be tied down or are worried on how to travel or go about our day with toddlers or young children especially ones full of life and energy. How much more so when it comes to portraits. I often find parents stressed on how the kids will “behave” so I created a guide system to get to know your family and create a session where the kids are excited and involved.
With newborn studio sessions, I advise working around your child's nap so when he or she comes he is well rested and fed and not exhausted.
One of the biggest things I’ve noticed though is that parents are stressed so the children are stressed. There is no need to tell the children anything about how to behave but just to get them excited to have a good time.
Preparing children specifically for newborn sessions, I recommend preparing them in advance and not on the topic of behavior or treats but the excitement of holding the baby, how to be gentle, and what they can expect.
Lastly, children only have a short attention span, so I recommend having someone either bring them in once we’re nearly ready or have someone ready to take them when they start getting bored.